Voter ID Card or any other valid identity card is mandatory for Tatkal booking as per Tatkal rules. If you have planned your journey on an urgent basis and planning to travel by train then you have to book a ticket through Tatkal booking system of Indian Railway.
Tatkal ticket can be booked at the railway counter or at IRCTC online website. For both offline and online Tatkal ticket booking, now it is mandatory to provide a valid identity card like Voter ID Card, during the train ticket booking process.
Voter ID Card online registration is very simple and straightforward process. You have to register yourself at the online service of Election Commission of India and fill the form 6 application. For filling up form 6 you have to provide your passport size photograph, your date of birth certificate and address proof document. Check the step by step process in detail to apply for Voter ID Card.
Also, you can monitor your Voter ID Card status after applying for it online through your account.
If you want to book a ticket for your whole family or a group of people then it is not required to provide identity card details for each and every passenger. Only any one passenger's identity card is required to book the Tatkal ticket. That is only one identity card per ticket is required.
It is mandatory to show your Voter ID card or the valid identity card you used to book Tatkal ticket while traveling in Indian Railway. Otherwise, you will be considered as traveling without a ticket and liable for punishment and fine.
What is your experience of traveling with a Tatkal ticket? Please share it with us in the comments below.
Tatkal ticket can be booked at the railway counter or at IRCTC online website. For both offline and online Tatkal ticket booking, now it is mandatory to provide a valid identity card like Voter ID Card, during the train ticket booking process.
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Apply for Voter ID card online
If you don't have a Voter ID Card and if you are above the 18 years of age then you can apply for Voter ID Card online at Election Commission of India website.Voter ID Card online registration is very simple and straightforward process. You have to register yourself at the online service of Election Commission of India and fill the form 6 application. For filling up form 6 you have to provide your passport size photograph, your date of birth certificate and address proof document. Check the step by step process in detail to apply for Voter ID Card.
Also, you can monitor your Voter ID Card status after applying for it online through your account.
Valid ID Cards for IRCTC Tatkal ticket booking
- Driving License
- Passport
- Pan Card
- Voter Identity Card - Voter ID Card
- Central/State Government issued ID Card - Govt issued I-Card
- Student Identity Card - Student I-Card
- Nationalized Bank Passbook - Bank Passbook
- Credit Cards issued by Banks - Credit Card
- Unique Identification Card "Aadhaar" - Unique I-Card
Valid identity card Tatkal rules
- In Tatkal quota Ticket ID card for at least one passenger traveling should be entered. ID card for other passengers is optional.
- On cancellation, at least one ID Card holder passenger should remain in the ticket.
- If all the ID card holder passengers in the ticket are canceled, the ticket will get fully canceled.
If you want to book a ticket for your whole family or a group of people then it is not required to provide identity card details for each and every passenger. Only any one passenger's identity card is required to book the Tatkal ticket. That is only one identity card per ticket is required.
Travel with a valid identity card
While booking Tatkal ticket at the counter you have to provide your identity card to the clerk at the counter and while Tatkal ticket booking online, you just have to provide your identity card number.It is mandatory to show your Voter ID card or the valid identity card you used to book Tatkal ticket while traveling in Indian Railway. Otherwise, you will be considered as traveling without a ticket and liable for punishment and fine.
What is your experience of traveling with a Tatkal ticket? Please share it with us in the comments below.