IRCTC Seat Availability 2023 - Indian Railways Seat Availability Enquiry

IRCTC seat availability inquiry is a routine exercise for daily train commuters. But when you have planned to travel to a location or city by Indian railways, your first job will be to find the train between your present city and destination city. Once you find the train according to your schedule, then you need to check seat availability on the train. We can do IRCTC seat availability by train name or train no or provide your current city and destination city.
IRCTC seat berth availability is important to save your time to get a reservation quickly on the available train. If you start booking seats without checking berth availability, it may result in a waiting list reservation. Therefore always check seat availability on the train before booking train tickets.

We can also check IRCTC seat availability Tatkal quota and fare of the journey. Knowing the fare is important and helpful to estimate the journey cost before booking a ticket. And if seats are not available in a train under the general quota, we can check it under the Tatkal quota. It will help you to decide whether to book a general ticket or a Tatkal ticket. The fare of Tatkal booking is also provided while seat availability checking.

There are two ways in which seat availability inquiry can be made:
  1. Though IRCTC website
  2. And through Indian Railways website
irctc seat availability enquiry irctc seat availability enquiry by train name irctc seat availability and fare irctc seat availability tatkal quota
IRCTC Journey Planner

IRCTC seat availability inquiry

Follow these steps to check berth availability through the IRCTC website.
  1. Open IRCTC website in your browser.
  2. Now login to your IRCTC account. You need an account to operate this website.
  3. The 'Plan my journey' page will be presented to you on the successful login to your account.
  4. Now provide your start city and destination city to find the connecting trains.
  5. Provide your date of journey and press the submit button.
  6. A list of trains between the two stations will be present in Journey Planner to you.
  7. Click your class of the journey to find the available berth in that class. You can also select different quotas like Tatkal to find seat availability under that quota.
  8. You are done successfully with IRCTC seat availability.

irctc seat availability train seat availability indian railway seat availability indian railways seat availability seat availability in train railway seat availability

Check seat availability Indian Railways 

Follow these steps to check berth availability through the Indian Railways website.
  1. Open Indian Railways website in your web browser.
  2. Click on the 'Train Berth Availability' option in the services section.
  3. Trains/Fare/Accommodation Availability Between Stations page will be presented.
  4. Now select your start city and destination city.
  5. Then choose the class of journey and date of journey.
  6. You can filter your search by providing the departure and arrival times of the trains.
  7. You can also select types of trains like Shatabdi or Rajdhani etc.
  8. IRCTC seat availability is a hot exercise during the morning and evening when people left the office for home. 
  9. Click on get details to get the list of trains available according to your inquiry.
  10. Select your train to check the seat availability on that train. And click on 'Get Fare' to find the fare on the selected train.
  11. You are done with Indian Railways seat availability.
IRCTC seat availability inquiry is mostly made during the morning and in the evening when people leave the office to go to their homes.

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